The CACB provides Educational Credential Assessments (ECA) for Principal Applicants intending to apply under the “Express Entry for the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)” for immigration to Canada and for whom Architecture would be the primary occupation for their application to immigrate to Canada.
The CACB is responsible, on behalf of Immigration, Refuges, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), for assessing the authenticity and equivalency of the architectural degree.
After completion of the Document Evaluation process, the CACB will generate a CACB ECA Report which will be mailed directly to the candidate.
It is the candidate’s responsibility to submit the CACB ECA Report to IRCC, since IRCC only accepts original assessments directly from applicants.
The CACB ECA Evaluation is the recognition that the Architectural University Degree is a professional degree and it is eligible for Academic Certification which is required to start the licensure process.
The CACB ECA does not mean that your work experience and professional credentials are automatically recognized or will be recognized for licensure in Canada. If you plan to work as a licensed architect in Canada, you must still go through the process of getting your licence in the province or territory that you plan on settling in.
The process consists of assessing your professional education, completing an Internship, and passing the licensing Exam. If you are already licensed in your country, you may be eligible for the BEFA Program as an alternative licensure pathway.
The CACB will provide Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) with electronic access to your assessment report and other information. At the request of IRCC, your records will be purged after 10 years.
The typical processing time for The Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) evaluations is approximately 10 business days from the day that a completed application (including all required documents, information, and full payment of fees) is received by CACB and compiled for internal review and processing.
All supporting documents received become the property of CACB and will not be released to the applicant.
Document Verification:
The CACB reserves the right to verify documents with issuing institution(s) at any time. The CACB uses reasonable efforts to verify documents for authenticity based upon the best information available to CACB and CACB’s best judgment.
Requests for additional documentation after initial review of application:
If the documentation submitted is incomplete or additional information is required in order to prepare an accurate evaluation report, The CACB will issue a document request.
The CACB reserves the right to have official records sent directly to our office by the issuing institution, and/or to verify documents with issuing institution(s) at any time.
An evaluation report will be prepared only after all requested material has been received to the satisfaction of the CACB.
Forged/altered documents:
If it has been determined that any document submitted includes factual inaccuracies or has been altered, forged, or tampered with, the CACB reserves the right to cancel the application without notice to the applicant.
Upon cancellation, the documents in question, including originals, shall become the property of the CACB and no evaluation report will be prepared. IRCC recipient authority will be notified. The application fee from these forged/altered documents and applications will not be refunded.
Documents from institutions that are not legitimate:
If it has been determined that any document submitted for evaluation was obtained from an institution that is not legitimate, the CACB will issue a report indicating that the document and institution are not legitimate. NO OTHER EVALUATION REPORT WILL BE ISSUED FOR THAT APPLICATION. IRCC recipient authority will be notified. The application fee will not be refunded.
The CACB does not provide translation services. Your documents must be translated into English or French before you send us your application. Check whether the school or university that you attended in your home country will translate your documents for you. The translations prepared by government ministries or consulates of your home country are also acceptable. If these options are not available, you should contact a professional translation service either in your home country or in Canada.
Advisory opinion:
The evaluation reports provided by the CACB are advisory in nature and are not binding upon any institution or agency.
Original documents:
The CACB does not require any original documents if they are not sent through Option 1 or Option 2 described here. Any original documents received by CACB will not be returned and will be destroyed by CACB at its sole discretion.