

By applying for the CACB ECA, you are agreeing to the following:

  • I have carefully reviewed the eligibility criteria for applying for the CACB Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report for my diploma(s) for immigration purposes, as authorized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), and I have ensured that I meet the eligibility requirements before submitting my application. 6 I understand that the fees paid are non-refundable if I don’t meet the eligibility criteria
  • I understand that my personal information is being collected for the purpose of obtaining an Educational Credential Assessment Report for immigration purposes, as authorized by IRCC.
  • CACB does not collect this information on behalf of IRCC.
  • I hereby authorize the CACB to share my personal information, Educational Credential Assessment Report, and enclosed documents with IRCC for the purpose of applying for Canadian immigration under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
  • I understand that the information shared by CACB with IRCC will be stored in Personal Information Banks (PPU 042 entitled Immigrant Case File and PPU 053 entitled Permanent Resident Data System).
  • The information may be shared with other Canadian government institutions such as the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), and foreign governments in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.
  • It may also be disclosed to foreign governments, law enforcement bodies, and detaining authorities with respect to the administration and enforcement of immigration legislation where such sharing of information may not put the individual and or his/her family at risk.
  • Information may also be systematically validated by other Canadian government institutions under the terms of an agreement or arrangement for the purposes of validating status and identity to administer their programs.
  • Under the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, individuals have the right to protection of and access to their personal information.
